OK, Sophia doesn't look like a super happy little Tinkerbell here...
That's a little better. Family shot! (Charlie, look at the camera.)
My two and three year old were pretty amazed that people will give you candy just for knocking on their door and saying “trick or treat!”
They especially liked the houses where you could just go up and grab the candy yourself. Free for all!
Corban keeps asking when we can do it again. Apparently “Next year, honey,” is not a satisfactory answer. He usually suggests we go out again “tonight.”
Yesterday I had my 28 week prenatal appointment. I had to do the glucose screening and by this point I’m truly a pro at downing that drink in under the allotted five minutes. I’ve always been given the fruit punch flavor and it reminds me a lot of Tahitian Treat. And who doesn’t love Tahitian Treat? (Come to think of it, drinking Tahitian Treat on a regular basis is probably a good way to get gestational diabetes. Don’t do it.)
My appointment went well. The doctor I saw is always positive and upbeat, one of my faves in the practice. She confirmed that Elizabeth Grace is still breech but said that it may actually be better if I deliver her that way. She did have to give me a couple scary scenarios about the dangers of delivering breech, but I am confident that this baby girl will enter the world just as God intends and am choosing not to fret over the worst possibilities. She also asked if I had spoken to the neonatal doctor and about whether or not we planned to have Elizabeth taken to NICU after she was born. I wasn’t even aware that this was an option. I’d always been under the impression that life saving measures would not be performed (my OB’s are not even going to monitor her during labor) and so we would simply keep her with us for as long as we could. I believe that this will continue to be our preference unless there is some significant change down the road. My OB said when I get closer to delivery I will most likely have a consult with the neonatologist over the phone. I’ll be doing some more research in the meantime, and would certainly welcome any input from the moms reading this who have been in situations similar to mine. I plan to put together a birth plan (for the first time!) and include our wishes and expectations as well.
Another new fact I learned at the appointment: my due date is January 28th, NOT January 26th as I’d been thinking throughout this whole pregnancy. The date hadn’t changed after my 20 week ultrasound or anything—apparently this has always been what my OB’s had on file and I was unaware. I used babycenter’s due date calculator as soon as I got that positive pregnancy test result and just assumed the date determined was the same as my doctor’s. Nope! With any other pregnancy I’d be annoyed with a later due date, but with this one I don’t mind a bit.
Also discussed at the appointment were my fractured foot (which is healing quite nicely, thanks for the prayers!) and the possibility of blood clots in my leg as a direct result of the injury. “Oh goodness,” I told my OB, “no one had mentioned that. I’m sure I don’t have any blood clots!” “Well,” she told me seriously, “if you have any kind of pain or cramping whatsoever in your leg you need to make sure we know about it ASAP.” Would you believe me if I told you that when I woke up this morning I had such pain in the back of my right knee (same leg as the broken foot!) that I could barely move it? Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. I’m no hypochondriac (really, I’m not!) and I know that I wouldn’t even have given it a second thought (would’ve chalked it up to sleeping the wrong way or a pulled muscle because I have to walk weird with my broken foot), but since just the day before the idea of blood clots had been planted in my mind, I immediately got online to self diagnose. All it took was one pregnant lady’s babycenter post about having a blood clot in her knee crease (same place I was experiencing MY pain!) to convince me that I surely had one too. I called my OB’s office and was thankfully able to talk to the doctor I saw yesterday. She didn’t think I was crazy at all and wanted me to go get checked out by a vascular doctor. I had an ultrasound done on my leg and…no blood clots. Whew. Must be that I slept on it wrong or pulled the muscle. HA! But I’m seriously glad I went because my leg is hurting worse right now then it has all day and at this point I wouldn't be giving myself through the night to live if I hadn’t gone in to make sure I was blood clot free! :) Thanks for letting me share and thanks always for your continued prayers.
So glad that you don't have a blood clot. As you know, I fractured my foot a couple of months ago and after a couple of weeks, I started to have leg and back pain. I just figured it was a result of "walking" abnormally while wearing that ugly boot thing. My doc never said anything about the possibility of blood clot.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Elizabeth, I continue to be inspired by your positivity. Thanks again for sharing your journey.
I'm just so thankful you are covered in prayers daily! And love your attitude through it all. Love you...
ReplyDeleteLeah, I have a dear friend who I was telling your situation to l2 weekends ago. She would love to hear from you. She knows someone whos baby was born with Anacephaly (sp) and reading your post reminded me to send her your link. Her name is Jill Pool. If you think you would like to talk to her, my email is keetsrus@yahoo, I can put you in touch. Praying for you, Dana
ReplyDeleteMichelle keeps telling me that I should try being pregnant....I keep telling her that God just doesn't want me to experience the joy of labor.
ReplyDeleteLove you, Leah! Take care of that leg!
I forgot to comment on this back when you posted. I have friends who's first baby was born at 23 weeks (IU) and they were set on having everything done to try and save her. Even transferring while in labor to a larger hospital that would do everything possible rather than the smaller one who wouldn't do any measures... They were set, they were going to fight fight fight for their baby who was younger than the youngest child ever saved. Then she was born, and the medical staff took her and as he watched they did what they could to help her, and suddenly dad had a change of heart. He said it was too hard to watch what they were doing to his little girl. He knew that as they were doing it, he might miss any chance they had to hold her while she was alive and say their goodbyes and he called them off. They handed that baby over and mom and dad got to hold her until her heart stopped beating. He absolutely felt that was the best decision they could have made for her.
ReplyDeletePrayers that you will know what to do when your sweet baby is born. Thnking of you guys always.